Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Whew... Roadshow over... Here comes the Sales

Hey People.. Just want to thank all the volunteers who came down to give a hand... and to my team members, thanks for exhausting yourselves and well, it was a treat! Anyways.. .we are conducting door-to-door sales this Saturday and Sunday... Drop us a mail with your name, NRIC, class, sch and contact number if youre interested. The details are as follows:

Date: 25 and 26th August
Time: 9.30-2pm and 1.30pm-6pm

Site is to be confirmed. Thanks! =)


1 comment:

Linasolopoesie said...

M I call Ange. Linen. I find myself in yours blog, would have made it appeal to to read yours me written, mom I do not know the language. I know English scarcely.
mine blog and of sun poetries, not to tuttipiacciono poetries, but and therefore that my spirit espime in the solitudine moments.
If you want to come to visit would make it appeal to it me, because your passage lascerebbe a beautiful track and could come from every you festivitò to carry my auguries to you. I waited for to you? thanks Good day Angela